Intern Hosts

Host an intern for three months. Make an impact that will last a lifetime.

When you host interns, you not only help them gain professional experience and skills, you bring an infusion of fresh ideas and new perspectives into your organization that only eager, energetic young people can bring. You get real help in your work and support your organization's mission while helping to launch successful careers. You might even identify qualified future employees.

We've partnered with more than 600 intern host organizations to provide unmatched educational experiences that combine structured, hands-on learning with academic courses and immersive professional development. By selectively matching the diverse talents and skills of college students from around U.S. and the world to specific staffing needs, both interns and hosts benefit.

    Access to Emerging Talent

    We work hard to provide quality intern candidates you can trust. Our interns are pre-vetted by our partners and staff before they ever apply to your position. Interview and select the candidate that is the right fit.

    An Integrated Intern Recruitment Solution

    Whether it’s your first intern or the fifty-first, our site relations team will walk with you through every step. We also provide interns with professional development and comprehensive student services so they are at their best on the job.


    Partnership to Fuel Talent Knowledge and Success

    We welcome our intern hosts to join TWC's mission of creating career access and opportunity though experiential learning, mentorship and collaboration. We ask all hosts to commit to:

    • Meeting with and mentoring your intern every week as they work on assigned projects;
    • Providing feedback, open communication and professionalism;
    • Supporting student attendance and participation in our career readiness programming;
    • Participating in a site visit with a TWC staff member;
    • Completing a final evaluation.

    Commitment to Access and Opportunity Through Pay Equity

    TWC's data and experience confirms that an important way to fuel opportunity and equity to a rewarding job and career following higher education is not just through an internship, but a paid internship. Paying interns expands the pool of talent. It created opportunity for learners from historically marginalized backgrounds, first generation college students and those from broader geographies.

    Data show that paid interns are more likely to be offered employment following their internship; however, individuals from historically marginalized groups are less likely to be paid for their internships.

    TWC is committed to building equity, access and opportunity, with paid internships central to that. All our intern hosts are strongly encouraged to pay their students or provide a living wage stipend and we have a commitment that all TWC partners will be required to pay their interns by 2025 as a part of our strategic plan.

    Host an Intern

    Join the front line in our mission to set young people on a course for personal and professional success. Consider hosting.


    Learn How to get started